Propiedad Se vende In Óbidos Costa de Plata

Encontrado 3 Propiedades
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Rustic 4-bedroom house with annex and 3.500m2 of land - just a few minutes from Óbidos

If you appreciate the beauty and tranquillity of the countryside, the comfort and charm of a country house, and at the same time being 10 minutes away

Building land with 12,960 m2 - Óbidos

Building land with 12,960 m2 - Óbidos. Located next to the Senhor Jesus da Pedra Sanctuary, at the gates of the town of Óbidos. Exc

Casa Con Vistas Que Requiere Restauración, Cerca De Ferreira Do Zezere - Portugal Central

Esta propiedad situada en las afueras de Ferreira do Zêzere ( Portugal Central) es una propiedad con un gran potencial, la propiedad está

Encontrado 3 Propiedades